Why you may want to live longer?

Human lifespan has been increasing over the years thanks to the comforts of life, technology and advancement in medicine. The average lifespan looks to be around 80-90 years. But science suggests that a person can live until age 140. Before we dig into how to reach that age, let's focus on why you would want to live that long.

The answer will possibly change from person to person. So I will try to give you my answers. Personally I always have new ideas in my mind.I try to do some of them, defer some, plan others or write it down somewhere so that it would stop haunting me.

Overall, life is the mixture of things you have to do and the things you want to do. The ratio of these things can really determine the quality of our life and your happiness. The better life you have, the more stuff you do because you want it that way. If you are struggling, you are giving most of your time to the things you have to do for a living.

Both of these groups should want to live longer because if your life is bad, you are struggling, there might be a light at the end of this tunnel. Maybe you can have the rest, fun one day. For the other group, you may want to enjoy more of what you have been already doing in your life.

And beyond that, all of these people age in different ways. Some suffer from old age problems for a long time, some are active until the last day of their lives. If you had a choice, everyone would choose to be active, conscious and free of pain until the last day.

Life gets in the way

From a young age I got used to doing an evaluation every year to understand where my life is going. But life gets in the way; I missed multiple evaluations for my life straight couple  years. And finally I found myself spending last decade of my life as either overweight or obese person.Regardless of your athletic background, still feeling strong, this was not good, and it wasn’t take me to a good place. So for me, 40-year milestone was important so I decided to make some changes in my life.

An Alternate Heaven

Think about this. The technology we are using; the internet, smart phones, AI and many more. They are mostly the technology of the last 40-50 years. I am almost 40 now. Imagine living until 140 becomes feasible and I can achieve that. This gives me a hundred more years of life. And imagine the technologies we may have in the next hundred years. The most exciting of them would be the combination of Neurolink, machine learning boosted by quantum computing. When you bring these all together during the next hundred years, people may not have to die intellectually. Maybe your body will go away but intellectual life can resume in a metaverse-like world.Maybe it will not feel like yourself, but your knowledge and experience will still be available to other people. And your beloved ones will be able to interact with you or a replica  of you. That sounds amazing to me.

And chances of this happening is scientifically much higher than the heavens the most religions are promising in the after life.

So keeping your body healthy longer to keep your brain safe for this transformation looks to be a good long term bet.