My Fitness Journey

New year resolutions... Like most people I start the new years with bunch of goals that span from career goals to fitness goals. When things change along the way, I have always sacrificed my health & fitness goals which are in fact the only goals about myself.

2022 new year resolutions were little bit different for me as I will be turning 40 this year which statistically marks the half time of a lifespan. I had to look deeper into my life.

During college years, I was super active with athletics and sky-diving. Later got involved in deployments to different places and the hardest training military could offer. Action resumed. But situation started bothering me as I was the muscle in the perilous fields obliged to follow the arrow the so-called brains were drawing in their comfy rooms.

Finally I could find a break when I qualified for a post-graduate program. This was my chance to jump out of muscle bandwagon and make use of my intellect. Despite all odds, I started a second post-graduate program in Software Engineering. The only sports activity I could spare was strolling from one engineering department to another not to miss the class due to my schedule.

This was a career shift for me. After a long pursuit for a job, proving myself I was in the tech world I have dreamed. I excelled in this new career which eventually paved the way towards working at one of best tech companies in the world.

Regardless of working in a good tech company, my competitive personality and unexpected reorganizations forced me to prove myself again and again. At some point I found myself writing three times the average code written in multiple manager levels. I have always refused to be mediocre at work; this paid off eventually with promotions and financial status.

When I look at my health stats of last one decade, I noticed that this relatively sedentary career rendered me above normal BMI (Body Mass Index) as overweight or even obese at times. I had excuses to justify this such as "I don't show it much" or "I can lose it whenever I want".

My intervention was mostly resembling yo-yo diet rather than a life style.

This time I dived deeper into the issue and discovered very surprising things that changed my whole perspective. I tried to identify which health problems would be end of me. I shifted my focus from losing weight to getting stronger.

Six months into my self-prescribed fitness program based on various expert opinions and scientific papers, I am proud to say that I have approached or even surpassed some of my scores from my prime years one or two decades ago.

Beyond the athletic performance, I have discovered couple things that could have saved or extended the lives of my beloved family members whom I lost due to heart, brain attacks and cancers.

So here I am doing my part to spread the information through this blog. The information you will find in this blog will definitely change your life, your perspective and potentially help you live stronger and longer.